Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Yarn along.

Yarning along with Ginny once more.
Knitting and reading, enjoyable  ways to spend those moments relaxing.

This week I finally found my copy of the last issue of "The Mother" magazine. It arrived the morning of the big Autumn clean and ended up tidied into suitcase of prefold nappies??? A nice surprise to come across it yesterday and to delve between the covers of this conscious parenting, gentle, thoughtprovoking magazine.
Also reading our favourite autumn book "The Lost Acorns" from the Percy the Parkkeeper series. Much enjoyed and read several times a week just now. Also reading another family favourite "Brave Bitsy and the Bear" a story of the changing of autumn into winter and then into spring, and the animals who live through the change.
On the needles, well, what can I say? The pink scarf is growing slowly, a few repeats each night. I have cast on the Multnomah and then stopped, to be picked up again tomorrow on my train ride between bases. The crochet mega blanket - well that is as was. I did finish the garter stitch cardigan from last time, blogged about earlier in the last post I think? And the socks - they are still hiding in their project bag. 
The photo shows the latest cast on - a winter hat for Owen. He asked for red, I'm not so sure? The red is a nice deep red but I would like it to have a little more colour added. I'll have to think some more before I go much further.
So that's about it for this weeks yarn along, time to take a peek at your lovely projects and interesting reads.



Anonymous said...

I love that you choose your reading according to the season! How fun! Glad you found the gone missing magazine--that kind of thing drives me CRAZY (and I live in a tiny house--that has all kinds of hidey hole places, since I'm always misplacing things!!!!!)

devonmama said...

Lovely red yarn, I'm sure it will make a great hat :) xx

Gigi said...

Sounds like you've got lots of irons in the fire too! Oh well, we'll get them all finished one of these days, won't we ;)?

Anonymous said...

Crikey, you are busy! I am in awe of your abilty to combine several things at once :)

Deb said...

The perfect colour for a winter hat ♥

Mia Foley said...

Hi Becks,the garter stitch cardi you made is just gorgeous! My son always chooses red too, it goes well with brown if you were going to add another colour...? Happy making x M

Anonymous said...

You are busy! I'm glad I'm not the only one with several projects. The garter stitch sweater looks great!

karen said...

I think the red is a great color for a boy's hat.

Lori ann said...

it sounds like you have a lot of fun knits in the works, i'm sure they'll all get done eventually. it's so nice you can knit on the train. :)

no spring chicken said...

Since there was so little to see on your needles in this post I popped to your last one. Love the sweater! The pattern and the yarn... wonderful~

Blessings, Debbie

Lee Ann said...

Red is beautiful for a winter hat :) Given the choice, my son would request the same!

Cheryl said...

We love Brave Bitsy and the bear too. One of our winter reads. With two girls and then a boy, I am glad I knitted lots of red and not pink. Good choice!

Shirley Ann said...

What lovely red yarn! reminds me of holly berries ;o) We love Percy the Parkkeeper books - even though my children are 11 and 13!

embracingitall said...

'The Mother' magazine sounds like a lovely read. I might have to check it out. We used to have a similar sounding magazine here, but sadly it folded. Happy knitting! Jacinta

Jessica Snell said...

I have a gigantic never-ending crocheted afghan too! But it's nice to have it there when I just want something easy to work on.