Crafting time has been difficult to find lately. Sophie has been staying here more often, Heather is not settling until late, I have been reading more than usual, and life has just been rushing along. But I do have a few things to show.
First is a chunky sweater for Cain. I have been knitting it in plain stocking stitch as the stitches are so well defined and uniform and I think they look great and need no embellishments or creative stitchery. The pattern is from the top of my head and all guesswork but I think it is coming on nicely. Just the arm to finish and the neck to trim in some way and then it will be done. The colour is great don't you think?

Another thing I have been finding very relaxing is making these little needlefelted balls:

There's something about all that rolling and stabbing that is so therapeutic, especially at the end of a hectic day. Heather especially loves them and has a couple which she loves to pass between hands and follow around the floor. The boys just like to throw them at each other!
Also on the needles is a small blanket which I am making to cover Heather's legs when out in the car. Our car is not the best of its type and the heating is a bit hit and miss so she needs a little something to keep her comfortable. And I can't wrap her in a big outfit as she'd get too hot when I pop her in the sling when we get to where we are going. Hopefully this blanket should do the trick and keep her warm. It's being knitted in Paton's fairytale color 4 me DK which is a pure wool which comes in lots of lovely colours. I chose these three colours as they are so warm.

And finally............I still haven't bought any wool! I'm doing well aren't I? Even John is shocked as I turned down the chance to go to BlackSheepwools craft barn last week. This weekend might be a bit difficult though as John heard about the stitch and craft show in Manchester and asked if I wanted to go............... Must resist the urge to say yes. Besides, it's the Aintree craft and hobby fair in March and I do want to go to that one. Anyone else going to either?
Oh well, that's enough for now. Off to get on with the list on the right.
Happy crafting everyone.
First is a chunky sweater for Cain. I have been knitting it in plain stocking stitch as the stitches are so well defined and uniform and I think they look great and need no embellishments or creative stitchery. The pattern is from the top of my head and all guesswork but I think it is coming on nicely. Just the arm to finish and the neck to trim in some way and then it will be done. The colour is great don't you think?
Another thing I have been finding very relaxing is making these little needlefelted balls:
There's something about all that rolling and stabbing that is so therapeutic, especially at the end of a hectic day. Heather especially loves them and has a couple which she loves to pass between hands and follow around the floor. The boys just like to throw them at each other!
Also on the needles is a small blanket which I am making to cover Heather's legs when out in the car. Our car is not the best of its type and the heating is a bit hit and miss so she needs a little something to keep her comfortable. And I can't wrap her in a big outfit as she'd get too hot when I pop her in the sling when we get to where we are going. Hopefully this blanket should do the trick and keep her warm. It's being knitted in Paton's fairytale color 4 me DK which is a pure wool which comes in lots of lovely colours. I chose these three colours as they are so warm.
And finally............I still haven't bought any wool! I'm doing well aren't I? Even John is shocked as I turned down the chance to go to BlackSheepwools craft barn last week. This weekend might be a bit difficult though as John heard about the stitch and craft show in Manchester and asked if I wanted to go............... Must resist the urge to say yes. Besides, it's the Aintree craft and hobby fair in March and I do want to go to that one. Anyone else going to either?
Oh well, that's enough for now. Off to get on with the list on the right.
Happy crafting everyone.