A neighbour of ours recently moved from his council owned property to a new bungalow. His sofa's were too big to take and so he gave the larger one away and offered the smaller to us. We didn't really want it but the neighbour as in a hurry to hand his keys back and would have been charged by the council if it was left in the property so John offered to take it to the skips to save him the worry or final bill. As the sofa was being loaded in the car John called me to see if I wanted the cushions, they were the loose sort, that zip onto the sofa. So of course I said why not, and ended up with four huge cushions and the foam seat pads too. Well you never know when they might be useful.
Well actually they came in useful within days! I had been thinking of creating a cozy corner for the little ones to sit and read, cuddle, sing or rest but didn't have the money to buy anything specific. So I covered the foam and created an L shaped sofa, and then I made covers for the cushions, creating a lovely comfy area for all to enjoy.

At the moment the foam "sofa" is covered by a blanket as i didn't have anything big enough to use. I'm thinking of maybe crochet covers when I get time? The cushion covers were all made from fabric I already had.
The blue cushion has an Ikea print on one side, bought from the bargain bin, and plain blue flannel on the other, an old cot sheet I have kept for many years.
The blue cushion has an Ikea print on one side, bought from the bargain bin, and plain blue flannel on the other, an old cot sheet I have kept for many years.

The green cushion has a floral soft cord on one side, a cutoff bought cheaply when I first found I was carrying a little girl (Heather) and with dreams of a pretty little sundress or two, the reverse a plain green heavy cotton leftover from sewing the blind for our bathroom.

The pink cushion has a dainty flower print on one side, which used to be a pair of curtains I found in a charity shop for £1, the back is a deep pink linen left from a sling I made for Emma to carry Sophie in.
And the pirate cushion, well that has been claimed by Owen. The pirate fabric was an offcut for 50p, and the purple reverse side was leftover from recovering an old blanket box found in a house we moved into ten years ago.
And the pirate cushion, well that has been claimed by Owen. The pirate fabric was an offcut for 50p, and the purple reverse side was leftover from recovering an old blanket box found in a house we moved into ten years ago.

So a lovely cosy place for reading stories, yet with lots of stories all of it's own.